Unplugged At Gypsy's Truckstaurant


Mood, Sweat, and Swagger

We’ve known Tom Looney (Gypsy’s Truckstaurant ) for a few years. Atmospheric wizard Andrew McVey and his partner Jon (who is a true emotional and gear-carrying asset to the team) live just a few houses away. It seemed like a natural fit to collaborate. Though… we’re typically waist deep in vibrating, clattering #trashthrash. We thought we’d try something a little less overwhelming.

We weren’t going to be thrashing about the Side Bar as per usual — there were going to be people, and most likely families, dining mere feet from our lashing limbs. We like adapting to a challenge, so we took a few weeks to reinvent ourselves.

Jerz Durkin (rhythm) would play both drums and electric bass. At the same time. Andrew McVey (guitar) would do nothing differently at all, come to think of it — haha. Derek Vaughan Brown (vocals/bass) would now play acoustic guitar while singing, instead of bass. A four piece three piece.

We toyed with the arrangements, found fun new little melodies, and new tones began to evolve from familiar tunes. We’ve stripped down songs before, but it was different this time. We really found new life in some our older songs. When I Was Taller and Filament stick out to me the most. They sounded like completely different songs. We even snuck in a cover from Portishead’s Dummy (1994), and showcased Andrew’s soulful vocals in a Chris Isaac classic. And talk about harmonies, hoo boy. They really had a ton of room to breathe.

The second set we played was a bit more rock and roll, as I switched to bass, and Jerz added a few pieces to his drum kit. Folks really came out for us! A tiny little baby-kid with big ear muffs was pumping their tiny little fist in the front row without adult provocation. God bless, kid… you’re killin’ it. People were dancing. It was a blast! If you were one of the ones who made it out, know that you’re our muse and the fuel for our persistence.

There are a few videos floating around, but they’re likely to vanish with the instagram stories. Wish you had seen it? Us too. It was a very special night. But lesson learned, right? There’s always next time.

Link to original event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1329487597234113/

5:00p Doors Open
6:00p - 6:45p Set 1
7:15p - 8:00p Set 2
9:00p Closed

Set List

Set 1

  • Perfect Opposition

  • When I Was Taller

  • Filament

  • Down on the Docks

  • Dream Beyond the Screen

  • Glory Box (Portishead cover)

Set 2

  • Asleep Amongst Curtains

  • Wicked Game (Chris Isaac)

  • Numbness Climb

  • Insanity

  • Summer Solace

  • Don’t Give Up

  • Sway (Never So Easy)

  • Bears

Photos by the endlessly supportive Kyle Fritz.

Derek Vaughan Brown

Derek Vaughan Brown is a creator out of Baltimore, MD. He is a vocalist, multi-instrumentalist, and songwriter. Derek produces creative multimedia projects vibrant with vivacious collaboration.


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